How Green Is Your Tree Care Company?

Earth Day is this Friday, April 22! This holiday is an annual reminder that we, as global citizens, all have a vested interest in sustainability. As arborists, we have an even stronger incentive to lead by example, as our profession often requires us to work closely with the environment.

In the spirit of sustainability, we’re sharing this sample checklist for environmentally responsible tree care companies. How does yours compare?

Do You Have a Corporate Environmental Policy?

If not, consider establishing one. This policy should lead with a simple, visionary statement such as: “XYZ Tree Service is committed to leading the industry in minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment.”

Your corporate environmental policy should also highlight specific areas for improvement. For example, many tree care companies attempt to minimize waste by streamlining their operations, or by actively promoting recycling both internally and amongst their customers and suppliers.

Examples include:

  • Using paper made with 70-100% post-consumer waste
  • Phasing out paper-based operations (billing, etc.) in favor of paperless solutions
  • Recycling office waste

Here at the Tree Care Industry Association, we collect paper waste in the office (pictured) to drop off in the local animal shelter’s recycling bin. The animal shelter benefits financially from this donation, plus the paper is getting recycled instead of trashed. Win-win!

Tree care companies also show environmental stewardship by being responsible with wood waste. Try:

  • Developing an assessment program to identify wood/logs that may have higher value as lumber, furniture stock, etc.
  • Recycling wood at the client site to eliminate energy expenditure associated with transporting it
  • Ensuring no wood waste is brought to a land fill
  • Recycling a high percentage of wood by-product

Finally, arborists also use tools that may negatively impact the environment. To counteract this:

  • Use power hand tools that are low emission, high efficiency
  • Minimize toxic emissions by using work/sales fleet that run on alternative fuel
  • Use routing/scheduling software, communications systems, GPS and other technology to maximize efficiency

TCIA Resources

These recommendations are just a few ways tree care professionals can reduce their environmental impact. TCIA members can use the Environmental Policy Sustainable Company Checklist Sample as a complete guideline for developing a corporate environmental policy.

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