Example Articles from the August TCI Magazine


Options for Right-of-Way Clearing and Maintenance: Part 1

Manufacturers supplying equipment for right-of-way (ROW) clearing and maintenance categorize jobs in this arena in one of three ways: new clearing, re-working overgrown/neglected pathways or basic maintenance of well-cared-for sites. Furthermore, they say there is equipment designed for or adaptable to each of those three levels of ROW work.

Few Pointers on Aerial Rescue

Aerial rescue is one of the most important skills to practice for an arborist. Practicing it makes you feel like you can do something, and that makes you more willing to act and not be “caught in the headlights” when something does happen.

Safety and Storm Work Go Hand in Hand

When it comes to cleaning up after a big storm, arbor-ist crews generally must be ready for anything. Any given service territory comes with its own unique weather patterns and predictions, but dealing with the unexpected should al-ways be a part of the game plan.

Biological Risk Factors can Influence Injuries and Outcomes in Industrial Accidents

The daily job tasks of a production arborist require intense physical demands for prolonged periods of time, all while working in a variety of environmental conditions. These factors place arborists at high risk for a work-related injury. 

Thinking Outside of the First-Aid Box

Safety procedures and equipment are more than just checking items off a list. They require attention to detail and being two steps ahead of the game.